RealEscort Norway

Welcome to RealEscort, the leading platform in Norway for escort and massage services. is an advertiser platform featuring escort and massage services offered by Girls, Boys, Gays, Tv-Ts, Duos, Couples and Clinics all based in Norway.

When can I expect the approval of my AD or Images?

When can I expect my AD or Images to be approved?

Please ensure that you are within our operating hours.
Check out the support's operating hours here.

Here's an example image from 01-01-2023:

Paid Advertising Countries.

Once you've made a payment for your advertisement, it will be approved as soon as a supporter or admin is available.

Have you already made the payment? If so, we've clearly indicated this to you.

"Please refrain from inquiring about the approval of your images. They will be approved as soon as a support staff member is available" (typically within an hour, provided support is open) Check out the support's operating hours here.


Free Advertising Countries.

Your ad and images will be approved as soon as a supporter or admin is available. The status of your ad was clearly displayed on your ad dashboard!

Thank you for your understanding, and we hope you have a great day! :o)