RealEscort Norway

Welcome to RealEscort, the leading platform in Norway for escort and massage services. is an advertiser platform featuring escort and massage services offered by Girls, Boys, Gays, Tv-Ts, Duos, Couples and Clinics all based in Norway.

Legal and Guidelines for Prostitution in Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Finland.

Here is a brief overview of the legislation pertaining to prostitution in Norway, Sweden, Denmark, and Finland. Please be aware that these laws may be subject to change.

In Norway, the law criminalizes the purchase of sexual services, but not the sale. This approach, known as the "Nordic Model," was implemented in 2009. The objective is to decrease the demand for prostitution by penalizing the clients rather than the sex workers. Those found guilty of purchasing sexual services can face fines and up to six months in jail. The law also forbids promoting or profiting from the prostitution of others (pimping) and running brothels.

Sweden was the pioneer in adopting the Nordic Model in 1999. The Swedish Sex Purchase Act makes the purchase of sexual services illegal, while the sale is legal. The idea behind this law is to safeguard sex workers and reduce the demand for prostitution. Penalties for buying sex can range from fines to a one-year prison sentence. Similar to Norway, pimping and running brothels are also prohibited.

Denmark's approach to prostitution differs from that of its Nordic counterparts. Prostitution is legal in Denmark, meaning both the buying and selling of sexual services are permitted. However, running brothels and pimping are still considered illegal. Denmark has put in place measures to fight human trafficking and to protect the rights and health of sex workers.

In Finland, the laws regarding prostitution are somewhat complex. Selling sexual services is legal, but buying them is illegal in public places or if the sex worker is a victim of human trafficking or pimping. Pimping and running brothels are also prohibited in Finland. The Finnish approach aims to protect sex workers while also tackling the issues of human trafficking and exploitation.

The information provided above is accurate to the best of our knowledge. It is essential to verify these laws yourself before taking any action. (Last updated: September 2021!)